Advantages of a control system for research centers (2)

4K resolution video recording of the fish tanks in order to complete the information collected by the system.

Information security and protection needs, in research centers, are usually the object of maximum care, together with the need for flexibility and immediacy of access to such information at any time and from any place.

With a centralized supervision and control system we obtain important advantages for the researchers: automated control of the installation in real time, both locally and remotely, 4K resolution video recording in order to complete the information collected by the system, and automated control, in this case, of fish feeding to automate the dosing of feed on an individual basis.

Regarding the second advantage, in order to complete the digitization of the information, it is crucial to have images of what happens in the experiments. In the Web application, the information is represented in a graphical form that allows locating moments in which, for example, a variable has changed abruptly.

Prior to the installation of the video recording system, certain conclusions could be drawn, but now any analysis is complemented with 4k quality videos of the fish, making it easier for researchers to confirm their hypotheses, and thus complete their theories with the observation of the behavior of the fish. This has led to substantial improvements in effectiveness and efficiency.

We would like to thank the IATS research center of CSIC for the trust it has placed in us.

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